
October 2nd week

Business as usual A bit of rain and some warmth will mean a return of the wrong plants in the wrong place. Priority will be to find native plants likely to be crowded out. 2023  Rise & Shine   It usually takes up the first hour and then it’s business as usual.  Both sides of the creek and back of the beach are usually the most productive. Creek edge could be gooey so don't wear your best shoes. A sunny 24 degrees is forecast so we will target the SE corner , Steve's Beach & Condon Corner after R&S . There are a few big Lilies on the up in the Kikuyu area for those inclined that way. 2022  Rubbish A rubbish survey on Friday showed rubbish on both sides of the creek and to the back of the beach. It will be a moderate high tide at 9:20am. Remember it’s 8.30 start. The site is pretty wet so weeding will be along the cycleway & up the back, with a re-visit of the Trad area also desirable.  There is a guerilla site soon to start on the south side of Flanagans Cre

October 1st week

Daylight Saving takes us back to 8.30 am start.  If you don't have a better offer  Take inspiration from this week in previous years. 2023 A Cool Holiday Weeding will be west of the cycleway beyond the Blady Grass & yes, there be Lilies sprouting.    If we have some saw equipped choppers there is more cutting & painting to be done in Manifest Destiny .  Our Bowerbird has moved his bower; still on the edge of Manifest Destiny but with a better view & drainage. 2022 Jobs on three sites   1. Woodlands Creek edge Japanese honeysuckle - see picture above (bag it) Turkey Rhubarb Cassia Coolatai (bag the seeds) - more of this grass is up the stony road 2. Andrew's site Privet Japanese honeysuckle (bag it) Morning glory  Crofton weed   Cassia    3. Manifest destiny Two large privets Two African Olives Also some Turkey Rhubarb in the Old forest, west side of the cycleway for the first 50m after the bridge. 2021 This week Offerings include an assault on baby Privets  

September 5th week

 Likely events Montbretia is shooting. Crofton and Fireweed are flowering. Turkey Rhubarb will soon flower.

September 4th week

 Likely events As well as the Crofton, Fireweed and Montbretia shooting and flowering, if it rains, even average amount, there will be plenty to do. Turkey Rhubarb will soon flower. 2023 Back to Spring There were a lot of Croftons in flower last week along the Cycleway so it would be good to get them first up. There are also a few small scale weeding jobs waiting, including renewed acquaintance with the Velcro , Asthma & Stonecrop exotics. Choppers and cutters can do some more of each in Manifest Destiny, backed by some painting by a Poisoner. The Ditch may also be close to dry enough for some overhead chopping. Tomorrow is our last 9am start for a while.  Mon Oct 2nd is a Public Holiday, but if you don't get an invite to picnic with your favourite Union, Bushcare will be on from 8.30. Mon 9/10 is set down as our WCC Rise & Shine Day when Ross brings all the gear & wins the $ prize for NIRAG. 2022 Weed of the week Trad, Tradescantia fluminensis has got away at the c

September 3rd week

You'll never weed alone Task sheet to come. Crofton and Fireweed will flower, Montbretia will shoot. 2023 Watering, snakeys & Heat Warning The priority will be watering from Woodlands Ck of nearby plantings, also some water for our plantings either side of the track. The forecast is for it to climb to 27-28 degrees by 11am so the main focus will be shady work in Manifest Destiny -- some cutting & painting, some Cape Ivy ; Cassia weeding and preparing more small privet areas for cardboarding. If cloud arrives there is Crofton & Polygala in flower in the grass areas beside the cycleway. 2022 Andrew's Site There are at least 10 weeds brought here from colonial times, many of them bitter & twisted. Its more scorched earth weeding than chopping. The Woodlands Ck edge is the other main target: Japanese Honeysuckle, Turk & Cassia are back in business there with a bit of Coolatai Grass also visible. Some Lantana regrowth is showing in our recently planted

September 2nd week

 Saws & Buckets Some sizable Casuarina branches are down at Woodlands Ck and others at Hewitts Ck around from Maccas Bend and just south of the Dirt Track.   There is hope of rain on Thursday but our recent plantings could do with a drink just in case. Again, Woodlands Ck water is fine but we could do with the McLeod Water System & some buckets for the Hawthorns tap at the Hewitts Ck end. Turkey Rhubarb, Morning glory & Mother-of-Millions are each reappearing in the WARC Zone so some no-dig weeding is required there. Be on the lookout for Ochna (Ochna serrulata) There will also be a few hardy specimens from the Macca 1 Nursery to be planted, likely in Manifest Destiny. 2023 Weed week Asthma weed is regrowing under trees, along track to Steve's beach bag and be wary of respiratory reaction. Woodlands creek ; Honeysuckle regrowth needs pulling/poisoning. Water plantings. SE corner;  Fleabanes , Kikuyu in Lomandras and Morning glory . Also Cape ivy where fence tur

September 1st week

Founding Anniversary picnic Bushcaring to be done: Watering our very (& less) recent plantings there are 3 sizable branches down so sawyers will be welcome Bob will need a pioneering assistant as he forges a track from Manifest Destiny to Hewitts Ck Lilies are trying to pop up but are being chewed off by rabbits/deer? Once you recognise the look they are easily dug We should clean up Lisa's Site. 2023 Our website's second year  As explained last year below is what we did last year. It is the same time of year so the weeds listed for previous years will again be showing themselves. Maybe some have been eradicated, it is worth checking. Big blackberry now with unfettered access. Near there are baby Crinum lilies to relocate and Crofton weed in flower (bag flowers). Condon's corner has Turkey rhubarb sprouting under dead coast wattle. Try to remove Turk corms. NE Corner ; between three ancient fence posts cut back Lantana - but leave screen. A regrowth of African oliv

August 4th week

Planting tomorrow  Most of the sites will be towards Woodlands Ck where salt water isn't a problem so if we all bring a watering can/bottle refills from the shaduf & big container should be pretty efficient. A track making opportunity is now apparent at the far end of Manifest Destiny so Choppers need not despair. 2023 Just smile & nod like normal  Here's the list Ian asked Ted to publish: several smaller jobs along the cycleway a bit of watering for the Woodlands Ck plantings Ross! there appear to be Lilies emerging hammer in steel posts with chicken wire to protect the Condon Cedars (& take a nice pic to send them).  Splitters!! & continue into Manifest Destiny to weed weeds. there's a little high quality sieve work to be done at the Madeira site 2022 Weed of the week  Lambs Tongue or Ribwort Plantain . Plantago lanceolata A number of weedy sites to attack. More Turkey Rhubarb , Formosa  Lily , Nightshade & Cottonbush and the ubiquitous Morning G