
March 1st week

 Clean up Australia Tomorrow is photo opportunity for the next Flame edition, some bushcare & then some Clean Up Australia, so quite a busy session. Should the rain hold off, flowering Lilies are the first priority. Flowering Cassias at Woodlands Ck can be removed so long as we can suitably relocate the shaduf & then it's over to the back of the Blady Grass for a weed salad or over to Manifest Destiny for attack on various regrowths. Correct PPE or you could find yourself hidden at the back among the Talls. Thanks to Ian & Ross for the day's activities.  2024 Open area weeding Cool, grey & 21 degrees means we can attack Morning Glory on Steve's Beach , Turkey Rhubarb at Condons Corner , Woodlands Ck Coolatai grass & even Mother of Millions at the firepit in ideal conditions. Bags & secateurs will be necessary as a lot of what we reap needs to go off site.  More bending & stretching than chopping but poisoners will get their chance too. ...

February 4th week

Some leftovers from last week If it is dry there is quite a lot of regrowth of African olive and Privet in Manifest Destiny, cut and paint. Lilies will continue to show themselves for a few weeks. Dig them out and bag the bulbs and the flowers. In the Blady grass   Bidens , Cottonbush, Fleabane , Purpletop , Nightshade and Crofton are all sprouting. Cassias are set to flower, bag seed pods from previous flowering. The other Morning glory is getting away up the Dirt track around the mound and ditch. 2024 Options work in the sun  work in tall scratchy natives  repelling the invaders at Woodlands Ck   a new Lantana Project, an overdue attack on Manifest Destiny.  2023 Bidens There are 2.5 m Bidens in flower & seed coming ashore & set to take over Condon's corner unless we nail them first up. An advance party is also set to cross the cycleway. Sunny & warm expected tomorrow so I'm hoping to take us all to Manifest Destiny for a shady second hour....

February 3rd week

 Off to the land of the Very Large All Blacks The track into Manifest Destiny is being overgrown. Check the list for previous years for the sort of work we do this time of year, like remove Solanum americanum , commonly known as American black nightshade; small-flowered nightshade or glossy nightshade. It is a herbaceous flowering plant of wide, though uncertain, native range. 2024 Clean Up Oz We have scouted the rubbish.   3 main locations: under the bridge, northside up at the creek bend along the back of the joined up lagoon, especially both ends We supply bags & gloves & a pickup stick or two. Some Alocasia brisbanensis is a victim of vandalism. Second hour or so its the Cycleway's big Lantana , big Fleabane , big Polygala , Bidens & a few stray Lilies , esp. on Steve's Beach . 2023 We may need some solid spade work along the stony road to get the Lily bulbs. Bulbs & all flowers go in our bags. The beach front now has tall Bidens , Nightshades & F...

February 2nd week

Flowering Cassias at Woodlands Ck can be removed & then its to the back of the Blady Grass for a weed salad or over to Manifest Destiny for attack on various regrowths. Given the rain forecast there should be no cut & paint tomorrow. Might also dig up a few unfortunately positioned Sandpaper  Figs for relocation or temporary nursery. Check out previous years for jobs 2024 Lilies All hands (with secateurs) to the lily field!   Flowers, Buds, Spent blooms all into the bag. If time allows I'll equip a few poisoners to follow up with a low cut & paint on the stems. Where the stem is easily accessible at ground level diggers can go to work but we can leave that till later weeks. 2023 Rain Due to rain, operations will be restricted to higher ground with Lily digging, Morning Glory pulling and Bidens the main targets. Late summer priorities are obvious, but do the job that most appeals to you. 2022 Worklist It has never been easier to learn to weed a Bushcare

February 1st week

Back To Flanagans We will return to our new project a week early for tomorrow's session. Depending on numbers we may have up to 8 separate activities going, including: rubbish collection, especially around beach side of Bay1 cut & poison Asparagus Fern in our already cleared area. Pile non-regrowth fronds. roll up more MG runners & bag cut up fallen timber....maybe a "nest" or two beginning careful pull down & bag dead MG from Boobiallas , without damaging host trees chop MG, Asparagus & Lantana along creek edge, outside log fence. Hang, bag & pile cuttings as required. There is some wire in the ground here to either pull out or cut off attack Big Lantana, about 20m south of fence corner. Need to protect small Banksias close by. 2024 Mad dogs Work in the shade & or breeze which means forest both sides of Cycleway & up around the creek bend. An intrepid worker may reach the Woodlands Ck & bucket/shaduf our plantings there. Lilies, Polygala, ...

January 4th week

The Day After There's still some Weed work at Woodlands Ck to be done & I expect we could plant up to half the Lomandra there. Its likely to be warm & humid so the other planting site/s will be shaded, maybe behind the Blady Grass & some in  Manifest Destiny . Aquarians are called to carry some water for these 2 sites....its your month after all. 2024 Giant Black Rabbit Dig out & bag Montbretia which is flowering in multiple locations.  Up around the Woodlands Ck bend a native vine is overgrowing many of our plantings so an intervention is needed there before the next wind/rain storm brings them down (secateurs needed).   Lily hunters with solid digging gear can have free reign either side of the cycleway. 2023 Weed removal Our most recent plantings need weed removal and Japanese Honeysuckle nearby has to be controlled.  There is a second large Moth Vine to be exterminated, Morning Glory is on the march and Lilies are shooting most place...

January 3rd week

Back to the creek Meet at the Hewitts Creek bridge tomorrow (8:30 am).  Woodlands Ck ; cycleway intersection and up the creek have flowering  Montbretia , Crofton , Lilies to bag. Plus honeysuckle , cassia regrowth, Fleabane and  Bidens . Ted's patch has Crofton , a big Scotch thistle and Japanese Honeysuckle . Stony Rd; has purpletop ,  Japanese Honeysuckle ,  cassia and  Crofton . Blady Grass ; has Cotton Bush, Bidens , Lilies , purpletop and Passion flower 2024 No Work Today? Forecast*  suggests there is only a 5% chance of no rain. Montbretia mining & vine peeling from valued natives would have been the priorities. 2023 Urgent tasks are; weeding the tree fall clearing a big Moth Vine in flower Japanese Honeysuckle spreading towards the Blady Grass Morning Glory flowering in the Blady Grass Blackberry , Lilies , Bidens , Fleabane , Nightshade along the south edge of the New Forest . 2022 Weed of the week Balloon Cottonbush was from ...

January 2nd week

Flanagans Creek   Bushies, Yes, we have been officially authorised to begin work at Flanagans Creek & I have the documents to prove it, plus a Planning & Inspection Tour with Greg, the head Bushie.  We are part of the New Imperialist Zeitgeist imperilling the Old World Order, and we start tomorrow. Where Are We?  by foot, trudge north along Cliff & The Esplanade, past the Surf Club & on to the creek at the far end of the park. by car/bike use the same route or drive along LHD through Thirroul & turn right at The Esplanade & park in that first stretch or in the northern Surf Club carpark. I will have the Official Bushcare Sign Board. There is some chance locals will want to know what's happening. We are "weeding Invasive species" & hopefully "regenerating local native vegetation". We are NOT "clearing"!!!    I will have the document authorising our work. We will start at the creek end of the area. Expect Morning Glory, A...