July 2nd week

 Mustn't Grizzle about Drizzle

Assuming a dry-ish morning there are a couple of above water sites in mind where gumboots will only be optional.


2023 Lagoon still overfull 

So apart from a few bits & pieces along the Cycleway there will be 3 main targets elsewhere:

We'll give watering a break.

Some members are off to the Port Kembla Dunes and Coomaditchie Lagoon for a mass planting morning as part of NAIDOC week.

2022 Area waterlogged

The eastern edge next to the beach should be navigable - treating morning glory and collecting plastic flotsam.  

Along the creek should be OK. Loppers can cut up the small branches on the fallen tree across the walking track - Council have been asked to deal with the heavy bits.

A minor construction job awaits to protect cedar plantings with star pickets and netting.


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