Native plants that can be mistaken for weeds

Native Raspberries

We have one, the questions is which one?

Most likely is the Rubus Parvifolius, or Native Bramble
Flowers are pink, small. Fruit are red drupes, in spring and summer. 



"Australia has 8 native raspberries (Rubus spp) 7 of which inhabit both rainforest and coastal heath ecosystems along the eastern seaboard, the other (rubus gunnianus) is found at altitude in the Tasmanian alps."
Here are another two common ones:

Rubus Hillii, or Wild Raspberry, is a native of NSW, Qld and NT. 
The fruit are red, globular berries, 1.2 cm across. Flowers are white or red.  Propagation is by seed.

Rubus Rosifolius is a native of NSW, Qld, Vic and Papua New Guinea. 

Fruit are red drupes, appearing most of the year.  Flowers are white. Propagation is by cuttings or root suckers.

Coffee Bush - Breynia oblongifolia

This plant is widespread and regenerates readily, so does not generally need to be planted. It is often confused with Cassia (Senna species such as S. pendula), but has a few features that can be used to tell them apart. Coffee Bush has oval -haped leaves, whereas Cassia has leaflets with a slightly pointed tip. Cassia also has pod fruit whereas Coffee Bush has small black round fruit. 


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