March 1st week

Clean up Australia Tomorrow is photo opportunity for the next Flame edition, some bushcare & then some Clean Up Australia, so quite a busy session. Should the rain hold off, flowering Lilies are the first priority. Flowering Cassias at Woodlands Ck can be removed so long as we can suitably relocate the shaduf & then it's over to the back of the Blady Grass for a weed salad or over to Manifest Destiny for attack on various regrowths. Correct PPE or you could find yourself hidden at the back among the Talls. Thanks to Ian & Ross for the day's activities. 2024 Open area weeding Cool, grey & 21 degrees means we can attack Morning Glory on Steve's Beach , Turkey Rhubarb at Condons Corner , Woodlands Ck Coolatai grass & even Mother of Millions at the firepit in ideal conditions. Bags & secateurs will be necessary as a lot of what we reap needs to go off site. More bending & stretching than chopping but poisoners will get their chance too. ...