March 2nd week

 Cloudy but dry, showers & thunderstorm

Cassia is blooming everywhere so Pull/Cut & Paint (if dry) will be needed at Manifest Destiny, Woodlands Ck & along Stony Rd.
Madeiramorning glory, Honeysuckle are resurgent along Hewitts Ck in Manifest Destiny.
Noogoora outbreak at lower edge of Lisa's site & there is a need to re-establish some tracks.

The mound & ditch are being invaded around the Bridge of Doom. Much morning glory roll-upping to be had. WARC duty is required with secateurs & bags for Turkey Rhubarb & Fleabane flowers & seeds

2024 Some ideas from previous years

Weeds are seasonal, here is what we did this time last years and the year before.

2023 Forecast not good

Could be a little bit of planting if enough rain has fallen & stopped but otherwise, we have a number of weedy hotspots to attack targeting all your old favourites and a couple of fun additions like Stonecrop (Moneyplant) & Tradescantia fluminensis.

2022 Worklist

Any number of options, but a few areas are still quite wet so:

  • pulling & rolling up morning glory
  • chopping to restore an ex-track; 
  • clean up of high tide line back of the beach
  • plus a special mission or two, 
will be the priorities.
Some picnic rubbish and a new drinking site are also on the agenda. 

After the wild weather Hewitts Creek no longer meanders across the beach. The clay cliffs that adjoin the sand are eroded and seaweed has been washed over the grass.


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