Many Minor Missions Here is the work: Turkey rhubarb is flowering on west side of C'way + some Purpletop & maybe Morning Glory , Lilies & Morning Glory are flourishing just south of the dirt Track & further west there is Honeysuckle Kangaroo Grass seeds are ready to be harvested over at Woodlands Creek. They need to be dried in paper bags for a while. Disentangling vines to save small trees & shrubs is required at the Mound beside the Ditch across the Ditch is a large Cassia in flower. Exterminate!! a quite large Banksia has rotted at the base & is propped against a Casuarina beside the dirt track. Cutter uppers needed. 2023 A Few things Choppers may continue along the Stony Road and then across the back of the Blady Grass - mainly for Lantana regrowth Asthma weed and Lilies in SE corner Steve's Beach has Fleabane, Morning Glory and lots of tall reeds shading out our baby Criniums Andrew's Mistake - Crofton, Wild Tobacco, Purpletop, Hon...