December 3rd week

Planting in our Narrow Strip

Some Sandpaper Figs will go into Manifest Destiny. A peculiar Trowel may well appear to place some of these darlings into the ground.

We need a group to weed at Woodlands Ck & a couple of weeders at Ted's Patch first thing tomorrow. If conditions allow the rest of us can clean up along the Stony Rd for the first hour or so. 

Garry & Ross, could you please bring along your paper bags of Kangaroo Grass seeds?

2023 Last week's leftovers

Still have Lilies in SE corner.
Steve's Beach has Fleabane and Morning Glory.
Andrew's Mistake - Crofton, Wild Tobacco and Purpletop.

 2022 Work done

Work Targets will be lilies east of Cycleway, our plantings behind Steve's Beach and the weed wonderland that is Andrew's area.

2021 Work list

We will attempt to insert about 90 mostly small native shrubs & groundcovers.
Please bring 2-4 litres of water, spade/digging trowel. 

We may have to do a little clearing in places as it is 6 weeks since we had sites ready.


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