December 2nd week

 Many Minor Missions

Here is the work:

2023 A Few things

Choppers may continue along the Stony Road and then across the back of the Blady Grass - mainly for Lantana regrowth

Asthma weed and Lilies in SE corner

Steve's Beach has Fleabane, Morning Glory and lots of tall reeds shading out our baby Criniums

Andrew's Mistake - Crofton, Wild Tobacco, Purpletop, Honeysuckle and Pearl Vine (along the mound) to be pulled off shrubs and trees.

Start of McCauleys Beach Estate track there are Lilies, Morning Glory, Fleabane and Bidens

2022 Warm, wet and possible thunderstorm

Cape Ivy

Our main target are Cape Ivy & Morning Glory in the SE corner plus Lisa's & Andrew's sites where we want to set back the array of baddies before summer flowering /seeding & get back a bit of control.

Phragmites australis

2021 Weeding again

Needs 2 or 3 workers at 4 sites: 



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