May 2nd week

Jobs to do in the wet

Weeding along the Cycleway Edge and/or Beach & Lagoon Edge Clean -Up.
Gumbies & Web Footed Choppers could monster a new patch of Lantana & Crofton on the west edge of our planted area.

  • ​stay on the path to avoid a bath
  • ​if you stick to the beach you won't see a leech

2023 Cool

The temperature will feel like 5 degrees. So rug up and look to work on the most sheltered sites.
Four Crinum lilies had been destroyed & others hacked nearby, so a tidy-up may be needed.
Keep a lookout, a very healthy Red Bellied Black Snake was sighted last week in the grassy area west of McKellar Glade

2022 weed of the week - Coolatai Grass

2022 Five pressure points:

Morning Glory & Blackberry in the Blady Grass area, with cut & paint on Blackberry* if it stays dry.

Coolatai Grass is up & setting seed beside Woodlands Creek with Bidens & Cassia are also rampant

Morning Glory is thriving between the beach & the cycleway just south of the Hewitts Creek bridge

Condons Corner area has Morning Glory, Bidens, Turk & some rubbish to deal with

Plantings rescue is needed south of the Blady Grass, in the SE corner & along the Stony Road. Should any choppers be available there is maximum choppage to be had along the Stony Road.

See also: 


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