August 4th week

Planting tomorrow 

Most of the sites will be towards Woodlands Ck where salt water isn't a problem so if we all bring a watering can/bottle refills from the shaduf & big container should be pretty efficient.
A track making opportunity is now apparent at the far end of Manifest Destiny so Choppers need not despair.

2023 Just smile & nod like normal

 Here's the list Ian asked Ted to publish:

  • several smaller jobs along the cycleway
  • a bit of watering for the Woodlands Ck plantings
  • Ross! there appear to be Lilies emerging
  • hammer in steel posts with chicken wire to protect the Condon Cedars
    (& take a nice pic to send them). 
  • Splitters!! & continue into Manifest Destiny to weed weeds.
  • there's a little high quality sieve work to be done at the Madeira site

2022 Weed of the week 

Lambs Tongue or Ribwort Plantain.
Plantago lanceolata

A number of weedy sites to attack. More Turkey Rhubarb, Formosa Lily, Nightshade & Cottonbush and the ubiquitous Morning Glory to be dealt with but also a new wolf in sheeps clothing: Lambs Tongue (Ribwort - see above).

Still a bit of sawing needed in places and a desperate chopper might find work in Manifest Destiny.


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