January 3rd week
Ian Macca 2 says: Meet at the Hewitts Creek bridge tomorrow (8:30 am). See below for the sort of weeds to look out for this time of year. 2024 No Work Today? Forecast* suggests there is only a 5% chance of no rain. Montbretia mining & vine peeling from valued natives would have been the priorities. 2023 Urgent tasks are; weeding the tree fall clearing a big Moth Vine in flower Japanese Honeysuckle spreading towards the Blady Grass Morning Glory flowering in the Blady Grass Blackberry , Lilies , Bidens , Fleabane , Nightshade along the south edge of the New Forest . 2022 Weed of the week Balloon Cottonbush was from South Africa originally. We also have a Polygala garden escapee that looks similar until the balloon stage. So, start in the grassy areas where Montbretia , Lilies , Cottonbush et al are blooming and move to areas where Morning Glory , Asparagus & Cassia are on the march. *