January 3rd week

Back to the creek

Meet at the Hewitts Creek bridge tomorrow (8:30 am). 

Woodlands Ck; cycleway intersection and up the creek have flowering Montbretia, Crofton, Lilies to bag. Plus honeysuckle, cassia regrowth, Fleabane and Bidens.

Ted's patch has Crofton, a big Scotch thistle and Japanese Honeysuckle.

Stony Rd; has purpletopJapanese Honeysucklecassia and Crofton.

Blady Grass; has Cotton Bush, Bidens, Lilies, purpletop and Passion flower

2024 No Work Today?

Forecast*  suggests there is only a 5% chance of no rain.

Montbretia mining & vine peeling from valued natives would have been the priorities.

2023 Urgent tasks are;

2022 Weed of the week

Balloon Cottonbush was from South Africa originally.
We also have a Polygala garden escapee that looks similar until the balloon stage.


So, start in the grassy areas where Montbretia, Lilies, Cottonbush et al are blooming and move to areas where Morning Glory, Asparagus & Cassia are on the march.



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