Likely events As well as the Crofton, Fireweed and Montbretia shooting and flowering, if it rains, even average amount, there will be plenty to do. Turkey Rhubarb will soon flower. 2023 Back to Spring There were a lot of Croftons in flower last week along the Cycleway so it would be good to get them first up. There are also a few small scale weeding jobs waiting, including renewed acquaintance with the Velcro , Asthma & Stonecrop exotics. Choppers and cutters can do some more of each in Manifest Destiny, backed by some painting by a Poisoner. The Ditch may also be close to dry enough for some overhead chopping. Tomorrow is our last 9am start for a while. Mon Oct 2nd is a Public Holiday, but if you don't get an invite to picnic with your favourite Union, Bushcare will be on from 8.30. Mon 9/10 is set down as our WCC Rise & Shine Day when Ross brings all the gear & wins the $ prize for NIRAG. 2022 Weed of the week Trad, Tradescantia fluminensis has got away at ...