September 3rd week

You'll never weed alone

Task sheet to come.

Crofton and Fireweed will flower, Montbretia will shoot.

2023 Watering, snakeys & Heat Warning

The priority will be watering from Woodlands Ck of nearby plantings, also some water for our plantings either side of the track.

The forecast is for it to climb to 27-28 degrees by 11am so the main focus will be shady work in Manifest Destiny -- some cutting & painting, some Cape Ivy; Cassia weeding and preparing more small privet areas for cardboarding. If cloud arrives there is Crofton & Polygala in flower in the grass areas beside the cycleway.

There are at least 10 weeds brought here from colonial times, many of them bitter & twisted. Its more scorched earth weeding than chopping.

The Woodlands Ck edge is the other main target: Japanese Honeysuckle, Turk & Cassia are back in business there with a bit of Coolatai Grass also visible.

Some Lantana regrowth is showing in our recently planted clearing so some careful cut and paint is needed.

2021 Find the weed flowers

We have Cassia killing , Crofton eradication, a Fleabane frenzy and an endless assault on Cape Ivy. Here are the mug shots:

There are 5 long suspect small trees that have turned out to be Large Leafed they have to go.


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