August 3rd week

Success with Bushcare required

Lisa's site needs considerable work tomorrow.
Gary's "seawall held up well against the big seas. There are a series of 1.9m tides from tonight.
There's more to do at Andrew's Amnesia, a small Lantana chop up the dirt track, protection for our Treefern to be installed & some Lilies to be hunted down.

2023 The monarch of weeds, Madeira Vine

Now we can be a real Bushcare Group engaged in a never-ending battle with Anredera cordifolia. Its on Lisa's site, probably floated in when the lagoon was at its highest, and it becomes our top priority because it never sleeps, can grow 10m in one Spring/Summer & is extremely difficult to eradicate. Great care needed.

Intrepid choppers may have some work nearby because the lagoon level has dropped a bit and long loppers may be able to reach the skywards stretch of some big lantana. Blackberry botherers can return to the Big B but those bags have yet to be removed. McKellar Glade also needs our attention to some big Thistles that have emerged. It may be a morning for armour.

2022 Plant planting

Some  50 keen young plants to plant this week in expectation of some rain coming. Two hours of planting, weeding, beach cleaning.

Afterwards we adjourn for 8th Foundation Picnic. The Circle is up around the creek bend, an early BYO lunch with drinks supplied. Usually homeward bound well before 1pm.


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