August 1st week

A Diminished Thing

Tomorrow begins a new era for our group with our work restricted to areas west of the cycleway. I will produce a full explanation of these changes later in the week.

A reminder that our 10th Annual Foundation Picnic is set for Monday 26th August.

The waves & tides of the last week have dammed Hewitts Creek & filled it, the shoreline & beyond with sea-wrack so removal of plastic, treated timber & general rubbish will be first task tomorrow. Hoes & metal rakes will be useful in returning these deposits to the back of the beach.

Our plantings up the McCauleys Beach Estate track need a visit to counter regrowth Lantana, Lilies et al. July was very dry as is the coming week so watering of our more recent plantings should also be on the agenda. You may also have seen considerable clearing work done up Woodlands Ck & across to Wilkies Walk area. This has been done by Southern Habitat, contractors for Paul Nichols, the land developer, who owns the lands west of our site. It is WCC approved.

2023 Chewed Out

This year it is rabbits, the whole warren had been dining out on the green salad we set before them last week.

Work can continue beside Woodlands Ck for two choppers & the Blackberry team is welcome to attack at the back of Steve's Beach.

We should also clean out some Polygala et al along the cycleway.

2022 Deer damage

Some overgrown ground covers  and a few nursery graduates were taken down to the site Thurs/Friday. A number of our sapling stage plantings have suffered Deer damage (see below). We will need a couple of Post & Chickenwire gurus to consolidate the current flimsy stick protection.

The Blackberry Brigade have a bit more to do in the Blady Grass and also behind Steve's Beach where another big Banksia is down, allowing access to a new Blackberry patch.

Weeders can do a sweep of our west edge for Bidens, Cottonbush, Nightshade & the first Lilies to show. We hope to also relocate a few more Lomandras & Dianellas to fill gaps along the cycleway edge.

For reference a link to Plants for deer-affected areas

Spiny, prickly or poisonous, these plants are ones that deer won't touch. 




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