July 4th week
Things Fall Apart: Wind & Deer
A tough few days for our trees with a couple of Wattle wind victims on the Stony Road & another Banksia down, west of the Blackberry patch.
Our attempt to save the large Hibiscus looks doomed and a less ambitious Deer has smashed a small Illawarra Flame up the creek & two small trees in the SE Corner.
We should start with some cutting of damaged limbs & some attempts at protective barriers. A saw or two would be handy.
Also on the work list:
- Cape Ivy in SE Corner.
- more Blackberry work back of Steve's Beach
- Kikuyu & morning glory in the SPATE/Beach corner
- Crofton in the Blady Grass
2023 Lack of rain
Condons Corner weeds now accessible, inc. Mother of Millions in flower and a big Blackberry at Steve's Beach.
Fifty+ plants to go in, mostly Lomandra, Dianella & Kangaroo Grass for Bruce's Square but we'll only put them in if there is decent rain this evening. Showers tomorrow less likely than on yesterday's forecast. If we get no rain tonight we'll need the water detail again tomorrow.
Preparing the Woodlands Creek clearing for planting should be another priority.
A couple of small jobs both sides of Cycleway in the grassy areas.
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