July 3rd week

Staying Warm 

1. We have a big Hibiscus, Deer damaged, that needs propping up. 
2  the beach may need another plastic & treated timber sweep 
3. new season Lilies are there for the digging
4. there's still blackberry back of Steve's beach 
5. Woodlands Ck has resurgent Lantana ripe for the chop 
6. Crassula/Stonecrop is in a lovely sunny spot low to the ground 
7. Cape Ivy is ready to flower in the South East corner 
Dress warm

2023 Cardboarding 

We have a donation of cardboard to the cause of Privet obliteration. Its all over there, across the Bridge of Doom in Manifest Destiny, waiting for cutters/slashers to spread it & weight it under previously cut timber.

Also, we advance on Woodland Creek and have been advised that the best move at Bruce's Square would be a bit of mattock work on the Honeysuckle root systems, some tough plantings & eternal vigilance.

Andrew's Mistake is almost under control but still offers enjoyment for micro-weeders. 

Note the map error.
Woodlands creek goes under the cycleway and does not head north east.

2022 Fallen Tree

The fallen tree has been cut up, so we will move the logs as a barrier to discourage people from wandering off the path. 

Target the blackberry west of the bike path south of the trees.

There is a cassia near Condon's corner that needs to be removed.


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