May 3rd week

Native Planting Conditions Idyllic

Start in the area between the back of the beach & the cycleway aiming to remove Crofton, morning glory, Turkey rhubarb, Mother of Millions & again repress Blackberry.

We will also have some planters putting in Coastal Spinifex, Lomandra, Myoporum, Breynia, Westringia & some Correa

We need the liberation of beach Crinums while we plant.Condons Corner, Steves Beach & some spaces in the New Forest.

2023 New Survey

Those areas into which we have not recently been went feral in our absence. 

Lisa's Littoral, Manifest Destiny & Andrew's Abomination were each disappearing under a weed
wave that will gladden the blades of the Choppers, encourage the Cutters and tweak the imaginations of the Unravellers. Bags & Secateurs+ required. 

Some bravery may be required to cross "the Moat" but more genteel work is available amongst our more secretive ground cover weeds south of Gillett Bridge.

2022  Blackberry problem

 Much to do on several fronts and choppers still in demand. Much more morning glory but also Blackberry in the Blady Grass area and Bidens galore where the morning glory ends and across to the Stony Road. 

It should be dry enough to get the Coolatai et al beside Woodlands Creek.

There's also some planting rescue to be done beside McKellar Glade.


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