April 4th week

Deputy Ian

Condons corner turkey rhubarb at west entry and in coast wattles east side. Lots of seed to bag, Morning Glory, Lantana cut back north west corner

South east corner, cape ivy in casuarina and baby Nightshades, Morning Glory and a big flowering Cassia.

Big blackberry behind Steves Beach, moth vine, crofton Morning Glory and Nightshades.
Weed around our surviving plantings

2023 Same, same - an edit of parts of last week's worklist

Like last year Cassia (Senna pendula var. glabrata) is showing us where it is and inviting removal. Bag any seeds (there won't be much) but there are some from last year in places. Most importantly, remove as many flowers as possible.

The Old Forest (between cycleway & creek) has some Turkey Rhubarb, Morning Glory and Creeping Christian (Trad)

Blady Grass area is again under Morning Glory attack with flowering Turkey, Fleabane & Cottonbush

2022 Weed of the week

Cassia (Senna pendula var. glabrata) is in full bloom and begging to be removed.
Control plants before they set seed.



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