February 4th week

Some leftovers from last week

If it is dry there is quite a lot of regrowth of African olive and Privet in Manifest Destiny, cut and paint.
Lilies will continue to show themselves for a few weeks. Dig them out and bag the bulbs and the flowers.
In the Blady grass Bidens, Cottonbush, Fleabane, Purpletop, Nightshade and Crofton are all sprouting.
Cassias are set to flower, bag seed pods from previous flowering.
The other Morning glory is getting away up the Dirt track around the mound and ditch.

2024 Options

 2023 Bidens

There are 2.5 m Bidens in flower & seed coming ashore & set to take over Condon's corner unless we nail them first up. An advance party is also set to cross the cycleway.

Sunny & warm expected tomorrow so I'm hoping to take us all to Manifest Destiny for a shady second hour. 

2022 Problem with the weather

[entertaining]..the possibility of finding an area above the waterline in which Bushies could work (leech-free), in the unlikely event it is not raining prior to 8.30 am.


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