February 3rd week

 Off to the land of the Very Large All Blacks

The track into Manifest Destiny is being overgrown.

Check the list for previous years for the sort of work we do this time of year, like remove Solanum americanum, commonly known as American black nightshade; small-flowered nightshade or glossy nightshade. It is a herbaceous flowering plant of wide, though uncertain, native range.

2024 Clean Up Oz

We have scouted the rubbish.  
3 main locations:

  • under the bridge, northside
  • up at the creek bend
  • along the back of the joined up lagoon, especially both ends

We supply bags & gloves & a pickup stick or two.

Some Alocasia brisbanensis is a victim of vandalism.
Second hour or so its the Cycleway's big Lantana, big Fleabane, big Polygala, Bidens & a few stray Lilies, esp. on Steve's Beach.


We may need some solid spade work along the stony road to get the Lily bulbs.
Bulbs & all flowers go in our bags.
The beach front now has tall Bidens, Nightshades & Fleabanes, in flower & seed. Secateurs & bags needed here too. Big Bidens are also sprouting on the east side of the cycleway towards the grassy area.
Hoping our Stonecrop/ Money Plant expert is on deck for the new outbreak of this garden escapee. 

2022 Worklist

There are mountains of weed to be done in but Condon's Corner, Andrew's Apocalypse & the Blady Grass areas were the priorities.


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