February 3rd week

Clean Up Oz

We have scouted the rubbish.  
3 main locations:

  • under the bridge, northside
  • up at the creek bend
  • along the back of the joined up lagoon, especially both ends

We supply bags & gloves & a pickup stick or two.

Some Alocasia brisbanensis is a victim of vandalism.
Second hour or so its the Cycleway's big Lantana, big Fleabane, big Polygala, Bidens & a few stray Lilies, esp. on Steve's Beach.


We may need some solid spade work along the stony road to get the Lily bulbs.
Bulbs & all flowers go in our bags.
The beach front now has tall Bidens, Nightshades & Fleabanes, in flower & seed. Secateurs & bags needed here too. Big Bidens are also sprouting on the east side of the cycleway towards the grassy area.
Hoping our Stonecrop/ Money Plant expert is on deck for the new outbreak of this garden escapee. 


Solanum americanum, commonly known as American black nightshade, small-flowered nightshade or glossy nightshade, is a herbaceous flowering plant


2022 Worklist

There are mountains of weed to be done in but Condon's Corner, Andrew's Apocalypse & the Blady Grass areas were the priorities.


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