February 2nd week

Flowering Cassias at Woodlands Ck can be removed & then its to the back of the Blady Grass for a weed salad or over to Manifest Destiny for attack on various regrowths.

Given the rain forecast there should be no cut & paint tomorrow. Might also dig up a few unfortunately positioned Sandpaper 
Figs for relocation or temporary nursery.

Check out previous years for jobs

2024 Lilies

All hands (with secateurs) to the lily field!  Flowers, Buds, Spent blooms all into the bag. If time allows I'll equip a few poisoners to follow up with a low cut & paint on the stems. Where the stem is easily accessible at ground level diggers can go to work but we can leave that till later weeks.

2023 Rain

Due to rain, operations will be restricted to higher ground with Lily digging, Morning Glory pulling and
Bidens the main targets.
Late summer priorities are obvious, but do the job that most appeals to you.

2022 Worklist

It has never been easier to learn to weed a Bushcare Site....the Morning Glory, Lilies, Montbretia, Fleabane & Turkey Rhubarb are all advertising themselves and awaiting our reflex response. 

Recent low numbers have made them over-confident so a pincer movement by fuller forces should catch them out sunning themselves & easy prey. 


This red-bellied black snake was not in our area but close to our southern boundary near Tramway creek. There was another, the same size, less than a hundred meters to the east. The one photographed was adjacent to one of our member's backyard.


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