November 4th week

Urgent foci.

Turk is flowering with some in seed at Condons Cnr..
Secateurs & bags required before dealing with Morning Glory also thriving.
McKellar Glade is busting out with a few other nasties nearby..
Cape Ivy is starting to spread in the SE Corner.
Still work for a Cut & Paint team in Manifest Destiny.

2023 Out of The Wild

More chopping along the Stony Road, more Honeysuckle, Blackberry et. al. wrestling east of the cycleway, further Lily hunting and some planting of very locally sourced natives.

There are also a few checks needed on Montbretia, Velcro, Madeira, Noogoora, Asthma Weed, Cape Ivy & Stonecrop.

 2022 Work list 

Time to go back up the creek to a few areas we have neglected recently. Pearl Vine, a native creeper/climber, (Sarcopetalum harveyanum) has taken off & we need to prune it from shrubs & small trees before they disappear. Secateurs required, or vast patience & dexterity.

There is also a big Mothy near the Gillett bridge, plus some Turkey Rhubarb, Cape Ivy & Morning Glory to be removed near our Prize Fig. A brave soul or two might venture into Lisa's Site and micro-weeders could enjoy the baby Privet et al sprouting in Manifest Destiny.

Any 1 or 3 feeling more coastal can take on the free-up weeding of our SE Corner with a Cape Ivy chaser.

Forecast is cool, grey & dry.

2021 Work list

The worklist is a short list for harvesting weeds.
There are still plenty of weeds in the Blady Grass, esp. Purpletop;

Morning Glory east side of the cycleway.

Formosan Lilies wherever found, but especially around the edges of the Eastern forest.


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