November 3rd week

 So Much Happening

We will have two groups in Manifest Destiny cutting back Cassia (& painting if its dry) plus continuing our "nesting" behaviour to reduce our woodpile. Another intrepid group with secateurs could cut out as much Honeysuckle as we can get to on the sea side of the cycleway. 

Keen weeders can get the Cape Ivy in the SE corner & the Stonecrop spreading under its favourite Coast Wattle. Morning Glory hounds will find some back of Steve's Beach and there are still Lilies along the south edge of the New Forest.

2023 Sweep New Forest

We need to sweep through the New Forest for Morning Glory, Lilies & junk. 

There's some solid weeding needed on Purpletop

Fleabane, Lilies & Blackberry east of the Cycleway further on & the smaller site at Woodlands Ck needs the nasties forced back into the creek. 

Choppers can work along the Stony Road & our west edge heading north from there.

2022 Targets

Targets will be the SE Corner's Cape Ivy & free-up weeding, a bit of Lantana & Ochna regrowth in our new area and a walk through weed of the New Forest (east of Cycleway). 

Privets & Olives in Manifest Destiny are in for a cut & some Scottish war paint. If we have the numbers its also a chance to paint Japanese Honeysuckle roots a nice shade of blue down by Woodlands Ck..

2021 Harvest Festival

..minus the singing. Bags & secateurs required.

Weed flowers and seeds, everything must go!


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