November 1st week

Found Heaps

There is work for choppers, Lily diggers, serious weeders & even some repair work:

The Old Forest has work for a couple of perspicacious weeders. I counted 8 different weeds between the bridge & the dirt track.

Choppers could start on the big Banksia fallen behind Steve's Beach. Its lying across several smaller trees/shrubs & hides a bicycle.

 Lilies are on the rise between the Stony Rd and the dirt track (25?) & there's another 15 on the south edge of the New Forest.

  •  Our Native Hibiscus is a Deer Fatality so we should dismantle our protections around it. One of our nearby Cedars also needs attention & if salvageable, some more protection.

 Both these are west of the survey line. 


If that's not enough there's Manifest Destiny, but as you approach the ditch check whether the BushTalk film set is occupied. We should break up & strew our uncomfortably large wood pile.

2023 Perfect planting conditions

Picked up 50 plants during the week  c/- WCC Botanical Garden Nursery & Alice.
Some are for back of the beach, others are ground covers, a few are for the back of the blady grass.
So trowels  required for most of us but it may well be wet underfoot in places where choppers might wish to tread, so they may be employed along the west edge.

2022 Suggestion

Take inspiration from this week last year.

2021 Weed of the week

Know your nightshades.
and/or search Weedwise for "Solanum"

Grass pullers, big loppers & poisoners, Privet flower cutters & Lily diggers there is work for all.

Grass overwhelming plantings beside the cycleway.

The TedAlBru "massacre site" west of the old stony road needs revisiting with Loppers.

Privet & Ochna are flowering & fruiting in Manifest Destiny.
Fruit to be cut & bagged, flowers just cut.

Lilies are popping up everywhere. 

Evil Nightshade (see above) lurks in the Blady Grass & Purple Top is emerging again. 


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