October 4th week

Actions on offer include: the Stonecrop spot Honeysuckle flowering east of cycleway Lilies & Cassia just south of Woodlands Ck Cutting up a fallen dead Banksia near Condons Cnr Wading into the Cassia etc east side of Manifest Destiny Ditch edges 2023 Jobs Conditions are good for getting in the face of that Honeysuckle Wall we noticed last week. Elsewhere there are small infestations of Stonecrop & Velcro plant . Velcro plant . Kikuyu is always into the Lomandra & is hiding numerous Lilies . The Ditch may await our Choppers if its dried out enough but they can look at the Honeysuckle first up. Some watering may be useful at Woodlands Ck but showers are likely at the end of the week. 2022 Raining... postponed The rain was expected to confine our activities to the Cycleway edge , where our plantings need freeing. An increasing number of Formosan Lilies are showing along our west edge and they should be accessible by the mudrunners. 2021 Weed of...