July 1st week
Cool Climate We will focus on Lisa's Site, Manifest Destiny & Andrew's Amnesia where there is considerable weediness & some shelter from the southerly. I've got some more cardboarding on offer and there should be some more chopping/cutting up for those so inclined. Also some Morning Glory sleuthing along the Ditch trees is required. Warm gear & less than best footwear advisable. 2023 An order for another decent rain There will be enough work to go around: more work for Watering Team, if available a large Moth Vine beside Cycleway a Cleavers; the "Velcro" plant (Galium aparine) outbreak, also beside Cycleway (bag needed) Cape Ivy in flower in SE corner & NE corner of Manifest Destiny (bags needed) Bidens & Crofton east of Cycleway in the grass area Andrew's Mistake (patience needed) Some chance of showers Tuesday and we have a couple of areas set for plantings. 2022 Weather Conditions have been and will continue to be, less th...