May 4th week

Festival of the boot We will plant in various locales while the more Revisionist minded might re-shape Blackberry, Crofton and Lantana at various sites. One relatively dry site will be among the flowering Cassia along the Stony Road so choppers should be happy. There's still some Polygala to finish nearby and a lot of Morning glory at the back of the Blady Grass area. Turkey rhubarb tracing on offer at Condons Corner. I also have a few more "nursery items" for our recently chopped zone. 2023 Missive from Macca Aiming to deal with weeds in grassy areas like Coolatai , Polygala & two or three localised issues. 2022 Cycleway upgrade Council said a new stage of the cycleway upgrade is coming soon-ish: from the Tramway Creek causeway to the south end of the Hewitts Creek Bridge. Asphalt will become concrete, width stays the same except for the last 15m before the bridge where it widens to 3.5m and includes bollards in the centre & on both sides. A 10 we...