
Showing posts from March, 2024

April 1st week

Easter Monday - 2024 2023 Walk in the Woods  There's a fair bit of Morning Glory on the agenda but if there are early showers we may find ourselves taking down some Cassia & an African Olive . McKellar Glade is also in need of some TLC.  2022 Problems Some storm damage around the eastern edge. Before: Work report: Before and after: Wildlife sighting Eastern Water Dragon, Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii This species is protected in Australia.

March 4th week

 Rained out 2023 Priorities Both sides of Cycleway in the grassy areas and some parts of the Mc Beach Estate track and along our west edge there. Dragging Morning Glory out of trees should be fun.  2022 a Wet One The forecast is suggesting a small total of rain tomorrow morning but we've all had the pleasure of the wind-driven drenchings of the past couple of days, so be warned. Its likely to be very wet over much of the site so work will be either along the cycleway and/or along the back of the beach.  

March 3rd week

 2023 Cool & Grey Rain + heat can only have meant rapid growth over the last 2 weeks. We'll need to survey the scene in our best areas first and start work where its most needed. Showers are forecast but the Bureau of Meteorology has them only arriving in the evening but should they chase us away from open areas we can retreat back to leafy zones.  Maybe bring a watering device in case our recent plantings suffered over the last few days.  2022 Priorities We need one group beside the Cycleway at the bridge end, where Turkey Rhubarb & Morning Glory are proliferating and another assaulting weeds of the world at Andrew's  Site & Manifest Destiny . If numbers allow, some Cassia are flowering lately, so choppers may have self-identifying victims to pursue. There will be enough to go round,

March 2nd week

 Some ideas from previous years  (plants are seasonal here is what we did this time last years and the year before) 2023 Forecast not good Could be a little bit of planting if enough rain has fallen & stopped but otherwise, we have a number of weedy hotspots to attack targeting all your old favourites and a couple of fun additions like Stonecrop (Moneyplant) & Tradescantia fluminensis . 2022 Worklist Any number of options, but a few areas are still quite wet so: pulling & rolling up morning glory ;  chopping to restore an ex-track;  clean up of high tide line back of the beach ,  plus a special mission or two,  will be the priorities. Some picnic rubbish and a new drinking site are also on the agenda.  After the wild weather Hewitts Creek no longer meanders across the beach. The clay cliffs that adjoin the sand are eroded and seaweed has been washed over the grass.