February 4th week
Options work in the sun work in tall scratchy natives repelling the invaders at Woodlands Ck a new Lantana Project, an overdue attack on Manifest Destiny. 2023 Bidens There are 2.5 m Bidens in flower & seed coming ashore & set to take over Condon's corner unless we nail them first up. An advance party is also set to cross the cycleway. Sunny & warm expected tomorrow so I'm hoping to take us all to Manifest Destiny for a shady second hour. Should I offer a prize for the first contestant to present 12 different weed species "harvested" there? 2022 Problem with the weather [entertaining]..the possibility of finding an area above the waterline in which Bushies could work (leech-free), in the unlikely event it is not raining prior to 8.30 am.